Saturday 08 February 2025/
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 5:48 12:20 3:13 5:06 6:38
Jama'ah 7:00 1:00 3:45 5:06 7:00
Begins Jama'ah
Fajr 5:48 7:00
Zuhr 12:20 1:00
Asr 3:13 3:45
Maghrib 5:06 5:06
Isha 6:38 7:00
FULL Timetable & Calendar

Coronavirus Update

I am writing to you with some specific advice about the Coronavirus outbreak and following the government’s announcement on the 12th March, how the Maktab is implementing these guidelines.

As the guidance from the government altered yesterday and anyone who has a cough or high temperature are being asked to self isolate for seven days, is it highly likely that more adults and children will need to take this approach. If you have travelled or have come in contact with someone who has travelled from a listed country you should self-isolate for 14 days. If you display any symptoms during the isolation period, you must call NHS111 or to seek further guidance.

Please adhere to the advice given above and inform us if your child is displaying these symptoms.

Action we are taking now:

Awareness in Class

Teachers will be talking in class about the virus and the steps that could help prevent or delay its spread as well as counteracting misinformation. Teachers are also reassuring the students in order to avoid panic and we advise parents to do the same.

Hand washing / Hand Sanitisers

We are increasing our stock of liquid soap and hand washing foam to ensure that pupils and staff can wash their hands more frequently. We ask pupils to wash their hands regularly during the Maktab hours. Pupils may bring in their own sanitiser should you have some.

General Cleaning

On Friday 20th March 2020 we will be doing a thorough clean of the entire building in order to avoid any spread of the disease.

Please be aware that the Maktab is following the DFE guidelines and will remain open as usual until further notice.

Jazakumullahu Khairan


Maulana Delwar Hussain

Head Teacher