Tuesday 03 December 2024/
Fajr Zuhr Asr Maghrib Isha
Begins 6:01 11:55 2:08 3:57 5:34
Jama'ah 7:00 1:00 2:45 3:57 7:30
Begins Jama'ah
Fajr 6:01 7:00
Zuhr 11:55 1:00
Asr 2:08 2:45
Maghrib 3:57 3:57
Isha 5:34 7:30
FULL Timetable & Calendar

The Journey Of Isa (AS)

Come along and join us on this spiritual journey where we will be reliving the events of the Prophet Isa (AS) this holiday period. Sisters are also welcome to this event and must enter through the Lucas Avenue entrance.